Thursday, January 30, 2014


oh fuck!!! im worried that he got my number again... shit. that phone some more no screen lock. call history doesn't show he called but he can delete it after calling. so now really fuck off. i really hate his fucking attitude. no privacy at all. his own things he keep tight but everybody want he check. chibai you know what is privacy??!!! dont tell me you have to know and you have rights to know. fuck off man i tell you. private things nobody can have the rights to know it. i freaking hate this type of people. i have it in class and now another at home. i cant tolerate this kind of things. it's unfair and selfish. i'll fucking promise myself not to have this type of attitude. chibai. no privacy at ALL!!!!! i'm gonna fucking go else where during internship. i can't stay at this type of home. it's shit.   never feel like home to me, never. worst attitude... when do i get freedom? it is fucking not a family nor a home. i'm piss off!!! god! can you help me please? dont let him get my 012 number pls... i beg you... pls.... plsss.... i'm tired of changing number. so god im begging you please save me for this one time. i would truly appreciate.

Monday, January 20, 2014

最近你一直出现在我的梦里。我曾经读过一句话就是:“如果哪个人在你梦里出现就代表他想你。” 我也傻傻的相信也有点希望是真的。搞得我也心情不好。前几天又看到你和她的照片我就一直在问自己,那时你对我说你爱我你喜欢我是真的吗?为什么就那么一点问题你就想和我分开。爱一个人不是要努力的解决问题吗?为什么所有的事情你说了算?你有没有考虑到我的感受?我一直搞不懂为什么我会一直跟这段感情纠缠不清。可能是我第一是谈恋爱吧。所以影响很大。人家说初恋是最难忘的还果然是真的。但我的是难过的经验。。。。。。。。。 
林珮珊,他已经有女朋友了就别想他了。他会说喜欢你只是玩玩罢了你干吗那么认真???!!! 你现在应该想的是你的未来,不再是爱情!林珮珊清醒了没有。他有女朋友了。wake up bitch!